About Thingalur Temple Or Thingalur Chandran Temple

Thingalore, 3km from Tiruvaiyaru on the Thiruvaiyaru - Kumbakonam route, is the site of Sri Kailasanathar temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva. But the temple is now more famous for its shrine here for Chandra (Moon), which has put it firmly in the Navagraha pilgrimage circuit.

According to the sthala purana, Daksha Prajapathi, whose daughter Chandra had married, was angry that his son-in-law was doting only on Rohini, ignoring the other 26.  As Chandra ignored his father-in-law's admonition, daksha cursed that he would suffer from an incurable disease.  Chandra then prayed to Lord Shiva here for relief.  The Lord not only cured him, but also advised Chandra to stay in the Thingalore shrine and help relieve His devotees of the ill-effects of the Moon's adverse placement in their horoscope.

Lord Shiva's divine consort here is Goddess Periyanayaki.  Chandra is said to be the lord of the mind and also of herbs.  Thingal, in Tamil, refers to the moon.  It also refers to Monday.  Hence, it is said that it is auspicious to offer prayers at this shrine, especially on a Monday of the Full Moon.  Those adversely affected by Moon's placement in heir chart are advised, by astrologers, to offer prayers to Lord Kailasanathar, Goddes Periyanayaki and Chandra, in that order, after a bath in the Chandra Pushkarni.

The Thingalore temple is a small one, tucked away in the rural heartland of Thanjavur district.  The Chandra shrine is located in the corridor around he sanctum.

Thingalur Temple Timings

Thingalur Chandran Temple Timings Morning 7am to 1.00pm and Evening 4.00pm to 8.00pm

Thingalur Temple contact number 04362-262499

How to Reach Thingalur

Thingalore is on the highway between Tiruvaiyaru and Kumbakonam.  The temple is only a 1km or so from the main road.  Autos are available.  There is an occasional direct bus to the temple from Tiruvaiyaru.